Why Choose 4 Herb Synergy Gold II?

We know there are a lot of supplements on the market that, on the surface, appear to do similar things. Well, there are some very good reasons why you should consider ours. We’ve handcrafted 4 Herb Synergy Gold II to meet a specific purpose – to control inflammation, which our Chief Scientist and CEO Vince […]

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Enhance Physical Performance with the Right Supplement

As we age, it is true that our bodies aren’t the same as they were when we were younger. Back them, living an active lifestyle may have felt effortless with very little recovery time in between activities. Later in life, as the creaks and aches and pains set in, it may feel like an impossibility […]

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How Supplements Fit into Longevity Lifestyles

As we get older, our bodies tend to slow down. Yet, this doesn’t mean that aging must stop us! We know more about the aging process than we ever have, and because of that, there is a lot of information out there on how we can combat it. Supplements can play an important role in […]

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Learn the Benefits of 4 Herb Synergy Gold II

Living a healthy lifestyle is the key to maintaining our quality of lives as we age. This includes getting good nutrition and regular exercise, but our modern lives make it almost impossible for this to be enough. It’s hard to maintain our lifestyles with these things alone. That’s were supplements like 4 Herb Synergy Gold […]

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How Liposomal Technology Enhances Supplement Absorption

One thing we have learned here at Synergy Bioherbals is that bioavailability matters. When Vince first created 4 Herb Synergy Gold, it was in a different form than what it is now. Although that old formula worked great for a few years, he finally realized that it could work even better if he changed the […]

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Natural Ways to Combat Chronic Inflammation

The modern lifestyle can be very stressful and then result is that it often puts our bodies into a state of chronic inflammation. It starts as a natural defense that our bodies release to combat our lifestyles. It then becomes a persistent, low-level immune response that can lead to a variety of health problems, including […]

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Fall Health Tips – Living Your Best Life

Now that summer is nearing its end, it is time to think about the fall season. The leaves are getting colorful, the air is getting a bit cooler. The changing season can bring a lot of joy, but the change in the weather can also affect our bodies and our health. Here are some tips […]

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What Herbs Are Good for Joint Pain?

Do you have joint pain? If so, you aren’t alone. According to the National Poll on Healthy Aging, three in five adults between the ages of 50 and 80, which equates to 60%, have been told they have arthritis. With arthritis being a main cause of joint pain, it’s no wonder people are wondering what […]

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