For thousands of years, there is evidence that people have been searching for the secret to endless youth. Myths such as the Fountain of Youth, which is a Taino legend that describes a spring where the waters restore youth, show that this has been on people’s minds for centuries. The myth itself is thousands of […]
Category: Blog
Why Should You Take Herbal Supplements?
We know that we need to do certain things to improve the quality of our lives. These include relaxation, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and getting some exercise. While these are the basic activities, there is still more that we can do. Sometimes, we need to give our bodies some extra support. This is the […]
Are Liposomal Supplements Better?
When it comes to herbal supplements, most have an ideal way they like to be prepared. Herbalists, for example, learn in their training that some herbs are best suited for certain types of preparations, largely because of the active constituents in the herbs and how they are maximized in the preparation. There is another factor […]
How to Keep Your Body Healthy in Summer
Summer is a fun time of year, filled with great weather, family vacations, and plenty of outdoor activities. Although it can be a healthy, active season, summer has some special considerations to keep in mind to make the season even healthier. Here are some of our best tips for keeping the body healthy during this […]
Understanding Boswellic Acid and Joint Health
One of the benefits of taking 4 Herb Synergy Gold II consistently is that it can assist with joint health. While all the herbs in the blend target inflammation, one in particular stands out as particular targeting joint health – Boswellia, also commonly known as Frankincense. In particular, the boswellic acid present inside the Boswellia […]
How to Add 4 Herb Synergy Gold II to Your Wellness Routine
It’s true that living a healthy lifestyle – eating well and exercises – can help you live a full life. However, our modern lives places such a demand on our bodies that it can be difficult to stay health with just eating right and exercising alone. That is why we created 4 Herb Synergy Gold […]
Favorite Smoothie and Juice Recipes Using 4 Herb Synergy Gold II
To benefit the most from 4 Herb Synergy Gold II, it really should be taken every day. Let’s face it, this isn’t always the most interesting way to deliver it. Although we love the taste, it can be fun to mix things up. That’s why we’ve developed a series of recipes that will add a […]
4 Herb Synergy Gold II Helps with Inflammation
Many of us are dealing with inflammation in our bodies without even realizing it. Our modern lives are filled with things that can increase inflammation, such as stress, low quality food, and sedentary lifestyles. It can take a toll over our health, especially in the long term. That is why we should be taking extra […]
Tips for Protecting Your Health as You Get Older
It’s true that as we age, our bodies behave differently than when we were younger. This doesn’t mean that we need to lose our vibrancy! We can still have excellent quality of life and stay healthy well into our senior years. All it takes is the right lifestyle and a little extra help. Note that […]
What Our Customers Say About Us
At Synergy Bioherbals, we know how amazing of a product 4 Herb Synergy Gold II is. Our greatest joy is to help people improve the quality of their lives. 4 Herb Synergy Gold II is a liposomal preparation of four traditional herbs, which work together to reduce inflammation and facilitate healthier aging. Our Chief Scientist […]