What Our Customers Say About Us

At Synergy Bioherbals, we know how amazing of a product 4 Herb Synergy Gold II is. Our greatest joy is to help people improve the quality of their lives. 4 Herb Synergy Gold II is a liposomal preparation of four traditional herbs, which work together to reduce inflammation and facilitate healthier aging.

Our Chief Scientist and CEO, Vince Giuliano, developed the product after researching the best herbs to include in formulation, as well as the optimal way to deliver it. He also takes it daily to improve his own health.

We know it works, and we have some testimonials to share to show how others feel about it. Here’s more information:

User “afmaf” a verified owner of the product, says that it helps with hers and her husband’s joint pain and stiffness:

The product does work quite well and it one of the only things that helps my husband’s knee pain. It helps my aches and pains as well. It’s a great product, thank you.

Richard Chan, another verified owner, became a fan of Vince’s articles on healthy aging, and has embraced the product:

I have been reading Dr Vince’s very informative health articles, and find his research and solutions very helpful and close to my own health philosophy When his new herbal product was introduced, I was more than curious to try it out; also to repay Vince for all the free information I’ve availed myself to (most of which I find to be science based, and reasonable hypotheses… All, in all, We believe that Dr. Vince’s 4HS is a real winner, since we’d been taking Turmeric (no problem with taste), as well as Ashwagandha (nasty), so the other two herbs are a bonus (and have health benefits as well.”

Tim Lundeen, another verified product owner, reports that it has helped him with his joint pain and stiffness:

Seriously helps with joint stiffness — after just a couple of days, I see much better range of motion in my fingers, and better overall energy. Thanks!

Gokgan Mergen, another verified owner and user of 4 Herb Synergy Gold II, says that the product is relaxing and helps curb the appetite:

I love how “4 herb synergy” makes me feel. 1 spoonful a day. Contains curcumin, ginger, ashwagandha, boswellia. I sleep through the night after starting taking it; else I tend to wake up in the middle of the night (sign of high cortisol). Relaxing supplement. Also helped curb my appetite; carb cravings became manageable. My cortisol was at the very high end of normal last time it was measured (blood test). Age 42.

Matthew Trovato, a verified user of the product, is in his 30’s and has no serious health issues. He takes the product to improve the quality of his life. He said: 

I’m a 34 year old male with no serious health issues, but I do sometimes feel fatigued when I work long hours at my job. When I started taking the supplement in September I noticed that I have more energy when I work and my joints ache a lot less when I move heavy objects. 

That is just a small sampling of all the people who have found 4 Herb Synergy Gold II to be helpful to them. There are so many others! For the complete testimonials, please visit this page: https://synergybioherbals.com/shop/4-herb-synergy-gold/#reviews Also, you can visit this page to try it for yourself.

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A Liposomal Preparation of Four Traditional Herbal Extracts for Maximum Bioavailability:

Curcumin Root


Boswellia Resin


Ginger Root




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  • Made in the USA
  • GMP Compliant
  • Gluten-Free
  • Soy Free
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO